Thursday, October 4, 2012


  • Do Happy Meals really make kids happy, or just fat?
  • Is war really the best way to achieve peace?
  • Why would God only bless America?
  • How many voters must Republicans stop from voting in order to win the election?
  • How did nationalism ever get confused with patriotism?
  • If capitalism is so great, how did Wal-Mart ever become the largest retailer of Chinese goods in the world?
  • How come prisons are filled with poor people?
  • Which came first: The egg McMuffin or the chicken McNugget? (This is important to chickens).
  • Why are we the only civilized country in the world who considers health-care a commodity, to be bought and sold by the rich?
  • In a good economy, how come rich people keep getting richer, and poor people keep getting poorer?
  • In a bad economy, how come rich people keep getting richer, and poor people keep getting poorer?
  • So many questions. If I had a hundred dollar bill for every question I have, I'd be rich. Then I wouldn't have all these questions.

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