Friday, November 30, 2012

Fast Food Forward: Take this McJob and Shove It | Common Dreams

Fast Food Forward: Take this McJob and Shove It | Common Dreams

A lot of brave people taking necessary risks to better themselves. Seems capitalist greed is everywhere. The fast food industry is one of the worst. They have taken full advantage of the back to work welfare program. Another abused food industry standard is paying waiting staff next to nothing for their services. They have to make it on tips, which you just never know about. They should walk out next to demand raising their minimum wage, which hasn't been changed for years. Some owners of restaurants also hold tips place on credit cards until the transaction clears. This hurts a lot of single mothers who are relying on those tips to cover expenses. It's all more of the same. The 99% need to go on a national strike of liberation from the greed of the rich. That would get their attention.

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