Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To My Right-Wing, Republican Friends: More Books to Read

The Peever has his own books for you to take a look at:
  • The Sixties; I Think I Was There. Vague recollections of various protests, concerts, and happening I attended.
  • The Bush League: How to Avoid the Draft and Still Become Commander-In-Chief. Remember George? I caught him at his best.
  • One-Hundred Way's to Fix Chicken. It even includes how to make factory chicken taste like chicken. And as a bonus, I expose the Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe, for you grease lovers.
  • Fifty Way's to Get Rid of That Booger on the End of Your Finger .A little something for everyone. Never once do I suggest eating it.
  • How to Get a Job: Writing a resume' in Spanish and Chinese. Self-explanatory.
  • And my latest, Forty-two Different Sexual Positions with an Inflatable Doll.  This is particularly relevant for the elderly.

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