Thursday, January 17, 2013

Guest E-mail sent to directors

Since the Board opted to not share the position description with Property Owners I hope that you were diligent in communicating our expectations for the qualifications expected of a General Manager of HSV to the GIS Executive search firm you hired.  I would still like to see the position description that is being used since this search firm has limited experience in community general managers and none that I could identify with the breath and scope of responsibility required in Hot Springs Village.  Most of the GIS experience seems to be in private club managers, such as Diamante or somewhat equivalent and much smaller gated communities without utility services requirement, which is a major part of the scope of work in HSV.

A quick search of their experience ( and those referenced in the e-blast quickly lead to this conclusion.  The closest community to HSV was Fairfield Glade in TN.  This is a non-gated planned development community of 12,500 acres (with currently 3,500 developed lots) with county roads and public (city) water but their POA does provide Police, Fire, sanitation and sewer.  There is a host of amenities similar to HSV and it was noted that members can play golf for $20/round including cart.  Another notable feature was that developed properties paid a monthly assessment equivalent to about 160% that of an undeveloped lot, but of course the developed lot assessment included sanitation and sewer.  Did anyone contact this POA to see how satisfied they were with GIS Executive? 

I trust you will not expect GIS to know exactly what HSV needs and have communicated requirements effectively and are prepared to critically critique their applicants experience and qualifications and do background checks, not placing to much weight on GIS recommendations.

Good luck on your selection process.

Larry Frazer
An interested Property Owner

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