Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Important Events

Try to remember some of the important events in your life. Here are a few of mine:
  • Your first love. My first kiss and first love went hand in hand. She was Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring, princess of the Howdy Dowdy Show. What a dame. When I went to kiss her on television, the static shock convinced me we had something special.
  • What is your most important possession? I found an arrowhead along a creek when I was probably 12 or so. I kept it all these years. I hold it in my hand and rub it like a Jennies lamp. I always thought it was magical. I still do.
  • What was your biggest problem growing up? One of the biggest problems I had was undressing in the locker room at high school. The girls didn't think it was funny. Neither did their PE teacher.
  • How did you meet your spouse? As I recall, I was peeping in her window.
  • What types of things concern you most? On an immediate basis, my underwear is riding up. Beyond that, I am worried about how our children and their children are going to make it in the world we are leaving them. I wish our politicians had that same worry.
  • What have you accomplished that makes you most proud? I quit working.
  • What do you like most about yourself? Well, I'm a pretty fancy dresser. I've heard it referred to as "tacky." I always thought "tacky" was good. I don't take any crap, and will not let you get away with spreading any. I'm glad I'm a liberal. The alternatives suck.
  • What do you like to eat? I love ice cream, pies, steaks, and french fries. Of course, I'm not suppose to eat any of those things, having had open heart surgery. Now I eat low-fat everything. I wonder if I've died and went to low-fat hell? 
  • What was the first car you owned, or drove? The first car I had was a 57 Chevy. Black, with a lot of chrome. The neatest thing was it had a vacuum ashtray. It would suck things out and put them in a jar in the engine compartment. Great for getting rid of roaches, if you know what I mean.
  • Have you lost someone close? This is a hard one, but well worth remembering. The hardest for me was losing my father at age 18, two weeks before I graduated from high school. My mother has also died. As an only child, it feels weird. I'm grateful I have a wife and two children. Losing someone always reminds you of the temporariness of life. You'd like to be able to hold on to, but it don't work that way.
Think of your own important events. Winter is a good time for reflection. Recalling those things that helped shape you into who you are.

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