You hear it in the Village all the time. "I can't believe the money we're spending on entitlement programs. The minimum wage does not need to be raised. These freeloaders need to go to work. Our health-care system is fine. Just another thing they want for free."
I wish I could only nod, but no, I have to talk back. "If you think these people are getting so much, how about you trade places with one of them. I'll go down to Hot Springs and find someone who is homeless. I'm sure they'll be glad to trade places with you for a month." The fact of the matter is, these rich guys wouldn't last two days without their pocket full of money. They are all programmed into right-wing Republicanism. "The hell with the poor, the rich deserve all the breaks."
It's hard to deal with this nonsense day in and day out. We are beginning to think we made a mistake moving here. I don't mind a little of it, but a constant diet of it makes me nauseous. I still need to find something in Hot Springs to occupy some of my time. I've been slow to do this. I need to get off my butt and look for something I can get involved with. We're going to try the Baby Boomers club. Hopefully that will help, although baby boomers are not all immune to right-wing ideology.
This is a good place to live, with lots of things to do. We have met some great people. But the lack of diversity is troubling. White, Christian, and military oriented is the mantra. While none of that is in-and-of itself bad, there is more to life than someone who is white, Christian, ex-military, pro-gun, and worried that the poor are taking all their money. There's only so much of that my soul can take.
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