Monday, March 18, 2013

How to Measure The Integrity of a Person

  • Does the person keep their word? What is a person good for, if not for their word?
  • Integrity involves being in the moment. When talking to the person, are they listening, or are they preoccupied with their own thoughts and agenda?
  • Is there any false fronts being displayed? Like a low cut blouse with a push-up bra, or a sock or potato in the crotch area? These are sure signs of falsies. Integrity demands up-front honesty.
  • Can the person look you in the eyes? Failure to do so is a clear sign that something is missing. Perhaps lack of character, or worse, poor potty training.
  • Is the person in question living a congruent life? Integrity demands living as honest a life as one possibly can. Do their words match their actions?
  • If all else fails, keep a one month measurement of their nose. As the nose grows, so goes the diminishment of  their integrity.

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