Friday, March 8, 2013

Some Tips for Future Hot Springs Village Residents

  • We are the home of almost 100% Republicans, of which a significant amount are right-wing Republicans.
  • We do not clean up our messes very well. We are used to someone else doing that.
  • We don't mind low wages, as long as they are not ours.
  • If you can't drive, I would count us out.
  • If you like to go to church, you are in luck. We have more churches than any one 14,000  person city in the country, so long as you're Christian.
  • Our leadership is getting better. We dumped a horrible general manager. And most of the people who hired him are off the board. The next general manager will hopefully be human. And our next Board of Directors President will hopefully be more open to ideas and input from the public.
  • Prices are relatively high for the houses being built. Currently, buying a pre-existing home is your best bet. It's a buyers market
  • If you are under 55, visit a local nursing home in your area. This will help prepare you.
  •  Our monthly dues of $36 is extremely low. You can't beat what we get for it. It will probably go up fairly soon, but even at $50 a month, it's a bargain.
  • In the end, we are a community with many of the same struggles as any. We have many good points, and many bad, most of which I have already mentions in point number one.

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