Sunday, March 31, 2013

Talking With Christ

He walked into my office. He was  old, worn down from all the living. His skin had that fragile, transparent look, like the slightest touch wold draw blood. Everything had taken its toll, including the booze. Whiskey mainly. I don't know what they thought I could do. They said  I was good at what I did, but this....He talked and I listened. Stories of delight, hope, despair, betrayal, friendship, love, hate, all meshed into sixty-seven years of living. He had died and come back maybe five or six times. Back from prison, homeless and on skid row, rejected by his son and daughter, countless lost jobs, two divorces, a bleeding ulcer. Back from promises unkept and nightmares turned real. Each time saved he was thankful, but not enough to quit drinking. What could I do for him but listen, say thank you for sharing our life, help him from his chair, gently squeeze his shoulder, and wonder how you tell Christ he's Christ? I guess you just let it go.

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