Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Fly-By Night Double Crow Burger, at The Crows Nest in Crows, Arkansas

Crow Bites-tiny marcel's of strictly black meat.
The Deep Fried Crow Fillet-this is a good replacement for fish at Lent.
The Broiled Crow-lightly dusted with charred feathers, crow beak, and ground crow nails.
Crow Stew-with roadkill added for extra flavor.
Blackened Crow-this is a whole crow, feathers and all. For the hearty appetite.
A children's favorite: Crow Dogs.
And as a house specialty, Crow Tongue Sandwiches, on rye. Get even with the little devils always squawking at you.
The Crows Nest: Fine down-home dining at fly-by-night prices.

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