Saturday, April 13, 2013


Once upon a time there existed a civilization of people known as homo sapiens, more commonly referred to as humans. They lived on the planet Earth, third rock from the sun.

They were a strange lot of creatures. They incessantly argued over whether they were the product of evolution or simply sprang up in a garden and immediately started arguing over apples and clothing. Who knows why they cared or what difference it made. They should have been paying more attention to the now. One of the major preoccupations with these creatures was sex. Of course it had to be that way. How else would they survive? Procreation was necessary. Humans really didn't like to talk too much about sex, but they obviously caught on to it. They ended up with about 7 billion of them. Eve begot Cain who begot Jane who begot Dick who begot John, and so on and so forth. 

Soon after humans made their appearance, they decided to live in groups. Procreation was high on the list for reasons to do this, but was not their only motivation. It was easier for the group to protect themselves from natural predators, including other humans. When people live in groups, eventually someone surfaces as a leader. With leadership came politicians. Politicians produced laws, laws produced criminals, criminals produced lawyers, and unsuccessful lawyers became judges. It all seemed so quaint and predictable.

Anyway, groups of people became known as clans, civilizations, communities. They built homes and formed families. More procreation. Communities flourished, became cities. The people played together, worked together, prayed together, and fought like cats and dogs. Often these arguments were over property, color of skin, whose God to worship. Seems like they fought over just about anything. Cities fought cities, countries fought countries. Arguing became the most popular activity on Earth. They named it War. Humans seemed to love it. They were good at killing and destruction. At any rate, these creatures would fight at the drop of a hat. Towards the end, the politicians encouraged everyone to own a gun that could spit out tens of bullets per second. It's hard to imagine, but it's so. War's evolved into killing the enemy at great distances. Thousands could be annihilated in seconds. they called these new war weapons drones. But no one really seemed to mind. They were good at rationalization, justifying this Evil as something noble and worthy of countless holidays, songs, and slogans.

(to be continued).

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