Tuesday, April 2, 2013

POA Board of Directors Election Results

Looks like Atkins and Shelton. Atkins did not seem to have much support. He had been on the board previously and has some conflict of interest issues with lots. I did talk with him and suggested, if he were elected, to abstain from any votes regarding lots and to encourage the board to establish guidelines for conducting its business by following municipality rules. This would eliminate things like voting in closed session. They should also appoint a parliamentarian.  I don't have an opinion on Shelton, other than he's old and white, and male. I suppose it wouldn't help much if someone were female, old, and white. Most the females in the Village seem to pretty much kiss their husbands ass. Or whatever. Now if they hire a decent general manager, which they are close to doing, we'll see how things develop. Hopefully, it will be better than the recent past.

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