Monday, April 1, 2013

Say What?

  • I'm thinking of turning Republican. It's like a bad case of jock itch. Why fight it?
  • Rush Limbaugh is starting to make sense to me. The other day he said Obama was a socialist. I've been thinking the same thing myself.
  • All the illegal immigrants should be sent home. I've been wanting to get a job cleaning motel rooms for a long time, but they won't hire me. 
  • The best that I can make of it, only Christians will be meeting in heaven. The others are heathens. 
  • I think we should get in some more wars. Gives everyone something to do. And it really helps our economy.
  • I'm going to get myself a drone, so I can keep track of what the neighbor is up to. I promise I won't shoot anyone.
  • Speaking of guns. Thank God for the NRA. I have twenty-five guns and 10,000 rounds of ammo. Come try to take my things.
  • I'm sure glad Arkansas elected a Republican state legislature. It feels good to be living back in the 1850's. Life was so much simpler than.
  • Too bad Mitt didn't win.
  • The rich deserve government subsidies, including tax breaks. The poor add nothing to the economy but drag it down.
April Fools!

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