Sunday, April 14, 2013


  • I don't believe God plays favorites.
  • I don't think God favors any particular religion. There are many paths to Her doorstep.
  • God has many disguises. One minute He's a beggar on the street, the next a brilliant sunset, and still at another moment a child laying in your arms sleeping. God has to be everything, or nothing.
  • The harder I look for God, the further I get away from Her. 
  • Church doesn't have anything to do with God. Church has to do with man.
  • I don't believe in heaven or hell. I don't think that either place is up or down, or a place where we go when we die. I think heaven and hell are in our hearts. Part of our soul. I think we visit heaven and hell on a daily basis. A child is born; a loved one suddenly dies; a marriage ends; a niece who graduates with honors; a cousin who becomes a drug addict. Both places touch us deep inside our heart and are an integral part of the human experience.
  • Jesus brought God to life, as did the Buddha, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Confucius, St. Francis, George Fox, Lau-Tzu, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and the Dali Lama. The Divine seems to come to life in some people, seeping out, affecting us all.
  • No one can understand God. If one claims to know God, you should run from them. The Mystery cannot be understood. It exists only in its non-existence. A person who claims to be enlightened probably isn't.

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