Friday, May 10, 2013

Historical Myths

America has always been the land of the rich and the home of the haves. From its very inception, America has been build on a pile of myths and historical half-truths, if not out and out lies. The Constitution was never designed for the poor. Most of the founding fathers were rich, white men, intend on getting richer. Numerous of them owned slaves, not the least of which was Jefferson. They gave absolutely no rights to women, other that to cook, clean, and have babies. Every man, created equal, was a fanciful notion that they gave only lip service to. Every war that has been fought since has been fought by the poor, to make the rich richer and their money safer. Money, power, and greed have outweighed any altruistic notions of peace, freedom, and democracy. We are a nation locked into sickening half-truths and dishonest historical reporting. Worst of all, we believe most of it. We have fallen and we can't seem to get it right.

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