Friday, May 10, 2013

New Infringements On Our Rights

  • A new 5 minute waiting period before you can purchase a missile launcher.
  • Cab drivers have a right to ask you to frisk them.
  • Free speech now costs 99 cents a minute.
  • If you are not prone to follow, you are suspect.
  • Silicone has been added to the "dangerous chemical" list. A lot fewer women are flying.
  • There is no longer a free press. It has been bought by corporate America.
  • No need for further elections. Corporations pay to have people represent them in Congress.
  • "We are all created equal" has been removed from the Bill of Rights. It was believed to have been a proof-reading error.
  • Freedom of religion now means free to be Christian. Preferably right-wing.
  • Women can no longer control their own bodies. This of course is not new. It is just being reaffirmed.
  • You have a right to a speedy trial is no more. 
  • Innocent until proven guilty is now guilty until proven innocent.
  • You can no longer pee behind a tree. Someone will see it on a camera.

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