Sunday, May 12, 2013


*We need fewer rules and more common sense.
*We need economic development based on quality of life issues.  People will do business with us if it looks good and feels right. We need to appeal to people who can do their work from home. We need a good internet system. We need some additional meeting places that are relaxing and informal. The Baby Boomers are coming. How about trying to appeal to musicians, artists, writers, candlestick makers.
* We have a huge senior citizen population. How about some bingo parlors with big pay-outs, better transportation system, and maybe a Saggies strip club.
* We should be able to capitalize on the low cost of living in this area. Don't tell anyone about the state personal property tax, and don't let them know about Cranford's.
*Diversity is paramount to the growth and vitalization of a community. Forget this area. We are white, Christian, right-wing, Republicans. Anyone not meeting that criteria will feel oddly out of place.
*We could kick all the right-wing Republicans out of the Village, but I and a couple of other people would be the only one's left.
*We need a local beer. Having been a substance abuse counselor, I probably shouldn't make this suggestion, but a home brewed beer can do wonders for a community. And plenty of people drink around here.
*We are in the heart of a golfing mecca. While our prices are a bit steep, particularly as compared to other courses in the area, we are blessed with plenty of product. I think one of the courses should be devoted to nude golfing, but that's probably not a good idea. For a lot of reasons.And we could feature our locally made beer, peddled by young collage girls in shorts and tank tops.
*We have water galore. Lakes all over the place. Fishing, boating, swimming. You can't beat it. If we only had someone that could walk on water, that would be something. I've met several people who thought they could.
*We do need to spruce up our governance. The POA is a little shaky. That's Property Owners Association. We are not a municipality. We are a whatever. We go by whatever rules they think up. We elect seven people to lead us. I don't know where these people come from, but it must be someplace weird. They like rules and order. I'm guessing most of them are ex-military. When you ask them a question, they either tell you to shut-up or tell you their rank. The last two elections, no one was re-elected. Hopefully this helps.
*We have so many things to do. We have a Bridge Club. Bridge seems to be a card game that only rich people play. I never saw anyone playing Bridge at the tavern I grew up in. A Civil War club. I bet I know what side they are pushing for. If I joined the Democratic Club, I would probably always get my way cause I'd probably be he only one there. The Village Skeptics has a certain ring to it, but I doubt they talk about anything but Obama. Then there's the Coin Club, the Cloggers Club, the Crochet Club, the Dulcimer Club, the Horseshoe Club. The Polish Heritage Club, the Irish Club, and a club for people who belong to too many clubs.
*We live in a gated community. This makes us feel safe and less fearful. Of course, cows, pigs, sheep,and  prisoners. also live behind closed gates, so I'm not sure we should use this as a positive.

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