Tuesday, May 27, 2014


  • I woke up this morning disguised as someone who gives a damn.
  • Most of our holidays have become disguises for military recruitment. Watch for Santa in fatigues this year.
  • A pretty woman uses a disguise to fool old age. A man usually uses a pretty, young woman.
  • Freedom and justice are often disguised as a flag and a song.
  • The rich disguise themselves as better and more capable than the rest of us.
  • My golf game is disguised as an opportunity to rant and rave and cuss like some uncivilized barbarian.
  • Many for-profit, money mongering charities disguise themselves as nonprofit, caring agencies.
  • The truth disguises itself as absolute and attainable.
  • Many a politician disguises him or herself as a human being.
  • I wore a disguise all day yesterday. No one noticed.

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