Tuesday, June 3, 2014


You know you're getting old when your friends start dying. A friend since the time I was in the 5th grade died of a heart attack in his sleep. He was 67. His wife, also a good friend, died just over a month later. She had multiple sclerosis for many years, which apparently had gotten worse. They lived in Arlington, Texas. We hadn't seen them for about ten years. I last talked to him about a year ago on the phone.
I don't know what I feel worse about: Their deaths, or our not being able to keep up with them over the years.
Anyway, I feel bad. I wish things had been different, but that's not how it went. Distance creates excuses. You have jobs, children, new friends. What once was, changes. When something like death happens, t all comes back to haunt you. It was so much fun. We were so close. How did we let it all get away?
Have a good journey, Rene and Dixie. Until then...

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