Saturday, June 7, 2014


  1. The human race will survive another year. Barely.
  2. If Tom Cotton, tea-bagging right-wing Republican, running to the U.S. Senate in Arkansas, wins, I'm moving to a place where they don't grow Cotton.
  3. It appears the Republicans are attempting to buy another election. They sure are eager to pay a lot of money for that big government they keep complaining about.
  4. The Pope is saying all the right things. Let's hope he starts doing all the right things.
  5. I'm thinking that maybe later this year, Obama will come to his senses. Common-senses.
  6. It's the same thing every year: The rich keep getting richer and the poor just keep getting it. It's about time to stop waving that flag and singing the song and start a revolution.
  7. Hot Springs Village, home of  right-wing Republicans, will be sold on E-Bay to bail out Bush and Cheney, who will be jailed for war crimes. (Admittedly, this is probably more fantasy than reality). Still, it would sure make for a good year.
  8. I've been way too easy on right-wing, Republican, Christians this year. For the rest of the year, I'm taking it to them. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

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