Saturday, July 12, 2014


It is obvious that the residents of Hot Springs Village need to raise the dues we pay for our shared amenities. The amount we pay just cannot be stretched far enough, particularly with so many not paying for unimproved lots.  But there are two overriding problems which causes me to say no to raising the dues at this time:
  1. The process the directors used to come to that decision was seriously flawed. They cannot, and should not, be allowed to formulate policy behind closed doors. No form of government is allowed to do this. We elect them. We have a right to see what they are doing, and to understand how they are coming to those conclusions. Anything short of that is a form of governing that we should all object to. Meeting in secret, not allowing the public or press to see what is going on, is a serious blow against the democratic process. As much as we need additional revenue, the process that was used is inexcusable. It null and voids anything that was decided.
  2. Unless the figures used to determine future debt can be explained and quantified at the meeting scheduled for July 16, there appear to be seriously wild assumptions being made by the committee that put together this plan, (behind closed doors). I'm not a figures person, so I'm hoping someone will be at the meeting to help get some of the assumptions explained.
So far my vote is NO.

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