Sunday, July 6, 2014


  * You pray for peace by warring, I pray for peace through negotiation, compromise, and compassion. 

   * You pray Obama fails, I pray he succeeds. 

   * You pray for a good crop of industrial corn, I pray our farmers plant food. 

   * You pray that guns are the answer, I think education and inclusiveness are the answers. 

   * You pray for the good-old-days, I pray for today. 

   * You pray Christian prayers, I’ll take any. 

  * You pray that Jesus will make it right, I pray that we will

  * You pray a better day will come, I ask why not today?

A prayer is not just a prayer. There are fundamental differences in what we ask and hope for. I’m glad I’m not God. Maybe she doesn’t pay any attention to all our asking? Maybe he wants to see what we can do on our own.

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