Monday, August 25, 2014


All along I figured we could use someone to make our decisions for us. Someone who knows what's best for all of us. Sure enough, along comes the POA directors.

Neoliberalism is defined as a political economic paradigm whereby policies and processes are decided by a relatively small number of people, who exert control over the rest of us. It is generally done to maximize profit.The fewer people involved in decisions, the easier it is to control the outcome.

Making decisions in secret and presenting them to the public as an afterthought is a classic example of neoliberal tricks. "We will let you have input after we have already decided the outcome." Any questioning becomes framed as negative and defeating behavior. This process is designed to make you think you are participating. What might be called illusionary, participatory democracy. It fools most of the people, most of the time. A prime example was last weeks POA board meeting. Before discussing the major topic, which was the proposal of a two tiered assessment plan, the board sprang on us a recently signed contract between the board, representing us, and Troon Management Company, the largest golf management company in the country. They told us how fantastic it would be and that it is, I quote, "A game changer." The crowd didn't take all this good news too well. We have a lot of people who don't fall for this neoliberal baloney. (The contract, by the way, was done in secret and the company demands that the board not tell us how much it costs). We become the bad guys, and they, the enlightened leaders.

The two tiered assessment discussion went about as I guessed. There was some very good input and some compelling arguments why it is a bad idea, none of which the board took into consideration. They immediately voted 4-2 to go ahead with the election, which any dummy can figure will pass, with most all non-metered lot owners voting yes. Miraculously, their dues will not go up. (And again, this plan was hatched in secret. We had input only after the board had, for all intensive purposes, already adopted it).

To all prospective residents: If you are not of the neoliberal or right-wing Republican persuasion,  beware: The gated Village you are about to enter may be hazardous to your ideas about democracy. Then again, maybe you'll fit right in.

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