Monday, November 17, 2014


Assessment votes will be counted Friday; 2 of 3 results will lead to options 

    November 15, 2014  – Votes cast on the two-tier assessment plan will be counted at a general membership meeting at 10 a.m. Friday in the Ouachita Room at the Ponce de Leon Center.
   There are three possible outcomes:
   1) A quorum is met and the assessment increase is approved.  With an extra $3 million, the POA will move into the new year using the Option II budget.
   2) A quorum is met and the assessment proposal is defeated.  This would put the Option I budget into effect on Jan. 1.
   3) A quorum is not achieved.  The board would have to decide by its Dec. 17 meeting whether to send the two-tier plan out for another vote, or try something else.  The Option I budget would begin Jan. 1.

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