Monday, December 8, 2014


  • Normal means never having to say, "I shot him."
  • At the heart of all listening lurks the payment.
  • Helping others is a noble profession. Of course, so is emptying septic tanks.
  • Seeing and hearing has nothing to do with understanding.
  • It is far better to live in silence than it is to live in spoken nonsense.
  • Money cannot buy you happiness. Neither can antidepressants.
  • When taking a look at yourself, be prepared to throw up.
  • If someone comes up to you claiming they know what is best for you, run.
  • Counselors give advise. Therapists must, if they claim to be a therapist, produce change. Don't mistake one for the other.
  • In the end, it will be you who has to do all the work. Don't expect it to be any other way.

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